• Churches working together in Douglas

    Yes - it does happen, and Pioneer Church thinks it's super important.

  • Churches working with each other.

    The churches of all denominations in Douglas and the East are made up of a number of different 'denominations'. There are differences between these churches, somteimes theology (how we view and express chistianity) and sometimes just organisational - but all of us have the same goal: To serve the world around us practically and spiritually, allowing everyone to thrive at their deepest level. For some churches that means focusing more on social action, and for others focusing more on discipleship (helping people know Jesus for themselves) - but there is most often a load of overlap.


    So we work together where it is appropriate, and where there are elements of overlap.


    The churches currently represented are:

    The Church of England

    The Baptist Church

    The Catholic Church

    The Methodist Church

    The Salvation Army

    Living Hope Church

    The United Reformed Church.


    Church leaders from all of those denominations currently meet as co-workers together, to talk and pray about working with each other in Douglas. Different churches then engage in different projects, as they feel appropriate.

  • Want to contact us?

    Go ahead, if you want to float an idea to us, or meet someone for a cuppa, fill in this contact form, and we can make sure you're in the loop about everything.


    It may be that you want to get involved in planning something, or you have seen a need and want to bring it to our attention - please, please get in touch.


    For the partnership to work, we want as many ideas as we can get.


    Our task is to sift through them, find the key streams, discern God's timing on the 'now' ideas, and then together make them happen.